Welcome to TEPA Term Bank

TEPA is a free-of-charge term bank maintained by the Finnish Terminology Centre (Sanastokeskus ry) containing special language terms and definitions in over 300 000 terminological entries. TEPA contains glossaries, dictionaries and terminological databases compiled by both Sanastokeskus and other experts. The most common languages in TEPA are Finnish, Swedish, English and German.

The terminological resources contained by TEPA have been arranged into search categories based on their type or source. By default, search is applied to all of these categories. It is also possible to limit the search to specific categories only by selecting one or more categories.

TEPA's contents are arranged into the following categories:

The Finnish Terminology Centre receives financial assistance from the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture to maintain TEPA and to keep its usage free of charge.

Copyright (c) 2005 Kielikone Ltd. Sanastokeskus ry (26702)